Lawrence O. Gostin & Benjamin Mason Meier (eds.), FOUNDATIONS OF GLOBAL HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS (Oxford University Press, 2020).
Lawrence O. Gostin & Benjamin Mason Meier, Introduction, Global Health and Human Rights.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Thérèse Murphy & Lawrence O. Gostin, Chapter 1, The Birth and Development of Human Rights for Health.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna Huffstetler & Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Chapter 7, Monitoring and Review to Assess Human Rights Implementation.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Inga T. Winkler, Chapter 12, The Emergence of “New” Health-Related Human Rights: Recognizing the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation.
Lawrence O. Gostin, Andrés Constantin & Benjamin Meier, Chapter 20, Global Health and Human Rights in the Age of Populism.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin (eds.), HUMAN RIGHTS IN GLOBAL HEALTH: RIGHTS-BASED GOVERNANCE FOR A GLOBALIZING WORLD (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, Introduction, Responding to the Public Health Harms of a Globalizing World through Human Rights in Global Governance.
Lawrence O. Gostin & Benjamin Mason Meier, Chapter 1, The Origins of Human Rights in Global Health.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, Chapter 3, Framing Human Rights in Global Health Governance.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Florian Kastler, Chapter 5, Development of Human Rights Through WHO.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Mitra Motlagh & Kumanan Rasanathan, Chapter 8, The United Nations Children’s Fund: Implementing Human Rights for Child Health.
Benjamin Mason Meier and Virgínia Brás Gomes, Chapter 23, Human Rights Treaty Bodies: Monitoring, Interpreting, and Adjudicating Health-Related Human Rights.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, Conclusion, Comparative Analysis on Human Rights in Global Governance for Health.
Read reviews of Human Rights in Global Health in Human Rights Quarterly (Matheus de Carvalho Hernandez & Inga Winkler), the Health and Human Rights Journal (Julie Hannah), Global Governance (Joel Oestreich), the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (Lance Gable), Modern Law Review (Claire Lougarre), Globalization and Health (Unni Gopinathan), the European Journal of International Law (Gian Luca Burci), the Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly (Louise Hatherall), the Nordic Journal of Human Rights (Céline Brassart Olsen), Medical Law Review (Peter West-Oram), and International Affairs (Jeremy Youde).
Framing the implementation of human rights law through global health governance, follow the O’Neill Institute Blog Series on Human Rights in Global Health, the Global Health Governance special issue on Human Rights in Global Health Governance, and the Health & Human Rights Journal special section on Human Rights for Health across the United Nations.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Chinyere Ekechi, Ana Ayala & Akshara Menon, Global Health Law, in PUBLIC HEALTH LAW: CONCEPTS AND CASE STUDIES (Montrece McNeill Ransom & Laura Magaña Valladares, eds.) (forthcoming 2021).
Roojin Habibi et al., The Stellenbosch Consensus on Legal National Responses to Public Health Risks: Clarifying Article 43 of the International Health Regulations, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS LAW REVIEW (forthcoming 2020).
Sharifah Sekalala, Stéphanie Dagron, Lisa Forman & Benjamin Mason Meier, Analyzing the Human Rights Impact of Increased Digital Public Health Surveillance during the COVID-19 Crisis, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (forthcoming 2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Allyn Taylor, Mark Eccleston-Turner, Roojin Habibi, Sharifah Sekalala & Lawrence Gostin, The World Health Organization in Global Health Law, 48 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 796-799 (forthcoming 2020).
Caitlin R. Williams, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum & Benjamin Mason Meier, Populist Nationalism Threatens Health & Human Rights in the COVID-19 Response, 110 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1766-1768 (2020).
Matthew M. Kavanagh, Benjamin Mason Meier, Mara Pillinger, Hanna Huffstetler & Scott Burris, Global Policy Surveillance: Creating and Using Comparative National Data on Health Law and Policy, 110 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1805-1810 (2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, A Timely History: Examining the History of the World Health Organization to Frame the Future of Global Health Governance, 110 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1592-1594 (2020).
Lawrence O. Gostin, Suerie Moon & Benjamin Mason Meier, Reimagining Global Health Governance in the Age of COVID-19, 110 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1615-1619 (2020).
Lawrence O. Gostin, Safura Abdool Karim & Benjamin Mason Meier, Facilitating Access to a COVID-19 Vaccine through Global Health Law, 48 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 622-626 (2020).
Sharifah Sekalala, Lisa Forman, Roojin Habibi & Benjamin Mason Meier, Health and Human Rights Are Inextricably Linked in the COVID-19 Response, BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH (2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna E. Huffstetler & Roojin Habibi, Human Rights Must Be Central to the International Health Regulations, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (2020).
Lawrence O. Gostin, Tamira Daniely, Hanna E. Huffstetler, Caitlin R. Williams & Benjamin Mason Meier, The Shibboleth of Human Rights in Public Health, LANCET PUBLIC HEALTH (2020).
Judith Bueno de Mesquita & Benjamin Mason Meier, Moving Towards Global Solidarity for Global Health through Multilateral Governance in the Covid-19 Response, COVID-19, LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS: ESSEX DIALOGUES 31-39 (Carla Ferstman & Andrew Fagan, eds. 2020).
Allyn Taylor et al., Solidarity in the Wake of COVID-19: Reimagining the International Health Regulations, 396 LANCET 82-83 (2020).
Lawrence O. Gostin, Roojin Habibi & Benjamin Mason Meier, Has Global Health Law Risen to Meet the COVID-19 Challenge? Revisiting the International Health Regulations to Prepare for Future Threats, 48 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 376-381 (2020).
Dainius Pūras, Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Luisa Cabal, Allan Maleche & Benjamin Mason Meier, The Right to Health Must Guide Responses to COVID-19, 395 LANCET 1888-1890 (2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Dabney P. Evans & Alexandra Phelan, Rights-Based Approaches to Preventing, Detecting, and Responding to Infectious Disease Outbreaks, in INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CHALLENGES 217-253 (Mark Eccleston-Turner & Iain Brassington, eds. 2020).
Roojin Habibi et al., Do Not Violate the International Health Regulations during the COVID-19 Outbreak, 395 LANCET 664-666 (2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lance Gable, Advancing the Human Right to Health: Eleanor Kinney’s Seminal Contributions to the Development and Implementation of Human Rights for Public Health, 17 INDIANA HEALTH LAW REVIEW 21-32 (2020).
Lawrence O. Gostin & Benjamin Mason Meier, Introducing Global Health Law, 47 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 788-793 (2019).
Caitlin R. Williams & Benjamin Mason Meier, Ending the Abuse: The Human Rights Implications of Obstetric Violence and the Promise of Rights-Based Policy to Realize Respectful Maternity Care, 27 SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MATTERS (2019).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights for Health across the United Nations, 21 HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 199-204 (2019).
Tsion Ghedamu & Benjamin Mason Meier, Assessing National Public Health Law to Prevent Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Immunization Law as a Basis for Global Health Security, 47 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 412-426 (2019).
Lawrence O. Gostin, Benjamin M. Meier, Rebekah Thomas, Veronica Magar & Tedros A. Ghebreyesus, 70 Years of Human Rights in Global Health: Drawing on a Contentious Past to Secure a Hopeful Future, 392 LANCET 2731-2735 (2018).
Olivia J. Killeen, Alissa Davis, Joseph D. Tucker & Benjamin Mason Meier, Chinese Global Health Diplomacy in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges, 12 GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE 4-28 (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Dabney P. Evans, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Jessica M. Keralis & Gabriel Armas-Cardona, Human Rights in Public Health: Deepening Engagement at a Critical Time, 20 HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 85-91 (2018).
Kristine Husøy Onarheim, Andrea Melberg, Benjamin Mason Meier & Ingrid Miljeteig, Towards Universal Health Coverage: Including Undocumented Migrants, BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Ipsita Das & Pamela Jagger, A ‘Burning Opportunity’ for Human Rights: Using Human Rights as a Catalyst for Policies to Mitigate the Health Risk of Household Air Pollution, 9 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT 89-106 (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna Huffstetler & Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights in Global Health Governance, 12 GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE 4-10 (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Marlous De Milliano, Averi Chakrabarti & Yuna Kim, Accountability for the Human Right to Health through Treaty Monitoring: Human Rights Treaty Bodies & the Influence of Concluding Observations, 13 GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH 1558-1576 (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Kara Tureski, Emily Bockh, Derek Carr, Ana Ayala, Anna Roberts, Lindsay Cloud, Nicolas Wilhelm & Scott Burris, Examining National Public Health Law to Realize the Global Health Security Agenda, 25 MEDICAL LAW REVIEW 240-269 (2017).
Travis J. Crayton & Benjamin Mason Meier, Autonomous Vehicles: Developing a Public Health Research Agenda to Frame the Future of Transportation Policy, 6 JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT & HEALTH 245-252 (2017).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Human Rights in the World Health Organization: Views of the Director-General Candidates, 19 HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS 293-298 (2017).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Ryan Cronk, Jeanne Luh, Catarina de Albuquerque & Jamie Bartram, Monitoring the Progressive Realization of Human Rights to Water and Sanitation: Frontier Analysis as a Basis for Human Rights Accountability, in OXFORD HANDBOOK OF WATER POLITICS AND POLICY 100-119 (Ken Conca & Erika Weinthal, eds, Oxford University Press: New York, 2017).
Ana S. Ayala & Benjamin Mason Meier, A Human Rights Approach to the Health Implications of Food and Nutrition Insecurity, 38 PUBLIC HEALTH REVIEWS 10 (2017).
Reilly Anne Dempsey & Benjamin Mason Meier, Framing the Position of Social Media in the Local Institutionalization of International Human Rights Norms, in LOCALIZATION IN DEVELOPMENT AID (Thorsten Bonacker, Judith von Heusinger & Kerstin Zimmer, eds., Routledge: London, 2016).
Y. Tony Yang, Julia E. Painter & Benjamin Mason Meier, Coordinated Regulatory Efforts Needed to Strengthen Travel Related Immunization Requirements Against Importation of Infectious Diseases, 34 VACCINE 3921-3922 (2016).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Averi Chakrabarti, The Paradox of Happiness: Health and Human Rights in the Kingdom of Bhutan, 18 HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 193-207 (2016).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Adriane Gelpi, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Lisa Forman & Joseph J. Amon, Employing Human Rights Frameworks to Realize Access to an HIV Cure, 18 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY 1-7 (2015).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Yuna Kim, Human Rights Accountability through Treaty Bodies: Examining Human Rights Treaty Monitoring for Water and Sanitation, 26 DUKE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 141-230 (2015).
Lance Gable, Ames Dhai, Robert Marten, Benjamin Mason Meier & Jennifer Prah Ruger, The Framework Convention on Global Health (Editorial), 9 GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE 3-6 (2015).
Matthew M. Kavanagh, Jennifer Cohn, Lynette Mabote, Benjamin Mason Meier, Brian Williams, Asia Russell, Brook K. Baker & Kenly Sikwese, Evolving Human Rights and the Science of Antiretroviral Medicine, 17 HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 76-90 (2015).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Ana Ayala, The Pan American Health Organization & the Mainstreaming of Human Rights in Regional Health Governance, 42 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE AND ETHICS 356-374 (2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier, An Agenda for Normative Policy Analysis in the Study of Global Health Governance, in LAW AND GLOBAL HEALTH: CURRENT LEGAL ISSUES, VOLUME 16, 593-608 (Michael Freeman, ed., Oxford University Press: London, 2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Georgia Kayser, Urooj Amjad & Jamie Bartram, Examining the Practice of Developing Human Rights Indicators to Facilitate Accountability for the Human Right to Water and Sanitation, 6 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICE 159-181 (2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier & William Onzivu, The Evolution of Human Rights in World Health Organization Policy and the Future of Human Rights Through Global Health Governance, 128 PUBLIC HEALTH 179-187 (2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Georgia Lyn Kayser, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Urooj Quezon Amjad, Fernanda Dalcanale & Jamie Bartram, Translating the Human Right to Water and Sanitation into Public Policy Reform, 20 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS 833-848 (2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier, The Political Evolution of Health as a Human Right: Conceptualizing Public Health under International Law, 1940s-1990s, in ASSEMBLING HEALTH RIGHTS IN GLOBAL CONTEXT: CONTEMPORARY AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES 73-93 (Alex Mold & David Reubi, eds., Routledge: London, 2013).
Urooj Amjad, Georgia Kayser & Benjamin Meier, Rights-Based Indicators Regarding Non-Discrimination and Equity in Access to Water and Sanitation, 4 JOURNAL OF WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE FOR DEVELOPMENT 182-187 (2013).
Lance Gable & Benjamin Mason Meier, Complementarity in Public Health Systems: Using Redundancy as a Tool of Public Health Governance, 22 ANNALS OF HEALTH LAW 224-245 (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Paul Henry Brodish & Meri Koivusalo, Human Rights Provide Justification for the Health in All Policies Approach, HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Making Health a Human Right: The World Health Organization and the United Nations Programme on Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments, 13 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 195-229 (2013).
Lance Gable & Benjamin Mason Meier, Global Health Rights: Employing Human Rights to Develop and Implement the Framework Convention on Global Health, 15 HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 17-31 (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Georgia Lyn Kayser, Urooj Quezon Amjad & Jamie Bartram, Implementing an Evolving Human Right Through Water and Sanitation Policy, 15 WATER POLICY 116-133 (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Book Review, The World Health Organization Between North and South by Nitsan Chorev. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2012, 128 POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY 206-207 (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lance Gable, US Efforts to Realise the Right to Health through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 13 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 167-190 (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Kristen Brugh & Yasmin Halima, Conceptualizing a Human Right to Prevention in Global HIV/AIDS Policy, 5 PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS 263-282 (2012).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Caitlin Pardue & Leslie London, Implementing Community Participation Through Legislative Reform: A Study of the Policy Framework for Community Participation in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, 12 BMC INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 15-40 (2012).
R. Chad Swanson, Adriano Cattaneo, Elizabeth Bradley, Somsak Chunhara, Rifat Atun, Kaja M. Abbas, Korina Katsaliaki, Navonil Mustafee, Benjamin Mason Meier & Allan Best, Rethinking Health Systems Strengthening: Key Systems Thinking Tools and Strategies for Transformational Change, 27 HEALTH POLICY & PLANNING 54-61 (2012).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Oscar A. Cabrera, Ana Ayala & Lawrence O. Gostin, Bridging International Law and Rights-Based Litigation: Mapping Health-Related Rights Through the Development of the Global Health and Human Rights Law Database, 14 HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 20-35 (2012).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharya, Health Care as a Human Right, in DEBATES ON U.S. HEALTH CARE 32-48 (Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld, Wendy E. Parmet & Mark A. Zezza, eds., Sage Publications: New York, 2012).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Global Health Takes a Normative Turn: The Expanding Purview of International Health Law and Global Health Policy to Meet the Public Health Challenges of the 21st Century, THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY: YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE 69-108 (2011).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Perspective, The Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health: Establishing International Processes for State Reporting to an Independent Monitoring Body, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (2011).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Alicia Ely Yamin, Right to Health Litigation and HIV/AIDS Policy, 39 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 81-84 (2011).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Kristen Brugh, North Carolina and the Evolving Global Health Policy Agenda, 71 NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL JOURNAL 452-458 (2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Lance Gable, Jocelyn E. Getgen & Leslie London, Rights Based Approaches to Public Health Systems, in RIGHTS BASED APPROACHES TO PUBLIC HEALTH 19-30 (Elvira Beracochea et al. eds., Springer: New York, 2010).
Anja Rudiger & Benjamin Mason Meier, A Rights-Based Approach to Health Care Reform, in RIGHTS BASED APPROACHES TO PUBLIC HEALTH 69-86 (Elvira Beracochea et al. eds., Springer: New York, 2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Miriam Labbok, From the Bottle to the Grave: Realizing a Human Right to Breastfeeding through Global Health Policy, 60 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 1073-1142 (2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Ashley M. Fox, International Obligations through Collective Rights: Moving from Foreign Health Assistance to Global Health Governance, 12 HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS 61-72 (2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Global Health Governance and the Contentious Politics of Human Rights: Mainstreaming the Right to Health for Public Health Advancement, 46 STANFORD JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1-50 (2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier, The World Health Organization, Human Rights, and the Failure to Achieve Health for All, in GLOBAL HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 163-189 (John Harrington & Maria Stuttaford eds., Routledge: London, 2010).
Jocelyn E. Getgen & Benjamin Mason Meier, Correspondence, Ratification of Human Rights Treaties: The Beginning, Not the End, 374 LANCET 447 (2009).
Benjamin Mason Meier, James G. Hodge, Jr. & Kristine M. Gebbie, Transitions in State Public Health Law: Comparative Analysis of State Public Health Law Reform Efforts Following the Turning Point Model State Public Health Act, 99 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 423-430 (2009).
Ashley M. Fox & Benjamin Mason Meier, Health as Freedom: Addressing Social Determinants of Global Health Inequities through the Human Right to Development, 23 BIOETHICS 112-122 (2009).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Jacqueline Merrill & Kristine M. Gebbie, Modernizing State Public Health Enabling Statutes to Reflect the Mission and Essential Services of Public Health, 15 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH MANAGEMENT & PRACTICE 284-291 (2009).
Jacqueline Merrill, Benjamin Mason Meier, Jonathan Keeling, Haomiao Jia, & Kristine M. Gebbie, Examination of the Relationship Between Public Health Statute Modernization and Local Public Health System Performance, 15 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH MANAGEMENT & PRACTICE 292-298 (2009).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Ashley M. Fox, Climate Justice Through Collective Rights: Employing Human Rights for Environmental Health, in ADVANCING CLIMATE JUSTICE: TRANSFORMING THE ECONOMY, PUBLIC HEALTH AND OUR ENVIRONMENT (2009).
Reilly Anne Dempsey & Benjamin Mason Meier, Going Negative: How Reproductive Rights Discourse Has Been Altered from a Positive to a Negative Rights Framework in Support of ‘Women’s Rights’, in WOMEN’S GLOBAL HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 83-96 (Padmini Murthy & Clyde Lanford Smith eds., Jones & Bartlett: Sudbury, 2009).
Annalijn Conklin & Benjamin Mason Meier, A ‘Vector of Rights’ Approach to Public Health: Towards an Intersectional Human Rights Framework for Considering the Prevention and Treatment of Harms to Girl Child Soldiers, 13 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS 65-98 (2008).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Ashley M. Fox, Development as Health: Employing the Collective Right to Development to Achieve the Goals of the Individual Right to Health, 30 HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY 259-355 (2008).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Patricia Stone & Kristine M. Gebbie, Public Health Law for the Collection and Reporting of Healthcare-Associated Infections, 36 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL 537-551 (2008).
Kristine M. Gebbie, Benjamin Mason Meier, Suzanne Bakken, Olveen Carrasquillo, Allan Formicola, Sally W. Aboelela, Sherry Glied & Elaine Larson, Training for Interdisciplinary Health Research: Defining the Required Competencies, 37 JOURNAL OF ALLIED HEALTH 65-70 (2008).
Benjamin Mason Meier, James G. Hodge, Jr. & Kristine M. Gebbie, Report from the Field: Alaskan Public Health Law Reform, 33 JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLITICS, POLICY & LAW 281-293 (2008).
Kristine M. Gebbie, James G. Hodge, Jr., Benjamin Mason Meier, Drue H. Barrett, Priscilla Keith, Denise Koo, Patricia M. Sweeney, & Patricia Winget, Improving Competencies for Public Health Legal Preparedness, 36 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 52-56 (2008).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Advancing Health Rights in a Globalized World: Responding to Globalization Through a Collective Human Right to Public Health, 35 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 545-555 (2007).
Benjamin Mason Meier, James G. Hodge, Jr. & Kristine M. Gebbie, Contrasting Experiences of State Public Health Law Reform Pursuant to the Turning Point Model State Public Health Act, 122 PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS 559-563 (2007).
Susan M. Allan, Benjamin Mason Meier, Joan Miles, Gregg Underheim & Anne C. Haddix, Why and How States Are Updating Their Public Health Laws, 35 (supp.) JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 39-42 (2007).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Employing Health Rights for Global Justice: The Promise of Public Health in Response to the Insalubrious Ramifications of Globalization, 39 CORNELL INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 711-778 (2006).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Donna Shelley, The Fourth Pillar of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Harm Reduction and the International Human Right to Health, 121 PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS 494-500 (2006).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Larisa M. Mori, The Highest Attainable Standard: Advancing a Collective Human Right to Public Health, 37 COLUMBIA HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 101-147 (2005).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Breathing Life into the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Smoking Cessation and the Right to Health, 5 YALE JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY, LAW & ETHICS 137-192 (2005).
Benjamin Mason Meier, International Criminal Prosecution of Physicians: A Critique of Professors Annas and Grodin’s Proposed International Medical Tribunal, 30 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW & MEDICINE 419-452 (2004).
Benjamin Mason Meier, International Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Experimentation: Protecting the Right of Informed Consent, 20 BERKELEY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 514-554 (2002).
Benjamin M. Meier, Reunification of Cyprus: The Possibility of a Foreign-Imposed Peace in the Wake of Past Failure, 34 CORNELL INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 455-480 (2001).
The Highest Attainable Standard: WHO, Global Health Governance, and the Contentious Politics of Human Rights, Defense, July 8, 2009.
The Highest Attainable Standard: WHO and the Contentious Politics of Human Rights, Proposal, March 6, 2008.
Human Rights in Global Health Governance
Benjamin Mason Meier, Global Health Governance and the Contentious Politics of Human Rights: Mainstreaming the Right to Health for Public Health Advancement, 46 STANFORD JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1-50 (2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier, The World Health Organization, Human Rights, and the Failure to Achieve Health for All, in GLOBAL HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 163-189 (John Harrington & Maria Stuttaford eds., Routledge: London, 2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier, The Political Evolution of Health as a Human Right: Conceptualizing Public Health under International Law, 1940s-1990s, in ASSEMBLING HEALTH RIGHTS IN GLOBAL CONTEXT: CONTEMPORARY AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES 73-93 (Alex Mold & David Reubi eds., Routledge: London, 2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Making Health a Human Right: The World Health Organization and the United Nations Programme on Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments, 13 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 195-229 (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier & William Onzivu, The Evolution of Human Rights in World Health Organization Policy and the Future of Human Rights Through Global Health Governance, 128 PUBLIC HEALTH 179-187 (2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Ana Ayala, The Pan American Health Organization & the Mainstreaming of Human Rights in Regional Health Governance, 42 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE AND ETHICS 356-374 (2014).
Human Rights in the World Health Organization: Views of the Director-General Candidates, Health & Human Rights, April 26, 2017.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna Huffstetler, Claudia Quiros & Rebekah Thomas, Human Rights Day: Advancing Human Rights for Global Health through the World Health Organization, BMC Series Human Rights Day Blog, December 6, 2017.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna Huffstetler and Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights in Global Health Governance, 12 GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE 4-10 (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights in Global Health: Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World, O’Neill Institute Blog, April 3, 2018.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, From Revolution to Bureaucratization: Human Rights Law Becomes Central to Global Health Governance, OpenGlobalRights, April 24, 2018.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, WHO Advances the Right to Health for Universal Health Coverage, OUPblog, May 21, 2018.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Maximillian Seunik, Roopa Dhatt & Lawrence O. Gostin, Alma-Ata at 40: A Milestone in the Evolution of the Right to Health and an Enduring Legacy for Human Rights in Global Health, Health & Human Rights Journal, September 6, 2018.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence Gostin (eds.), HUMAN RIGHTS IN GLOBAL HEALTH: RIGHTS-BASED GOVERNANCE FOR A GLOBALIZING WORLD (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Lawrence O Gostin, Benjamin M Meier, Rebekah Thomas, Veronica Magar & Tedros A Ghebreyesus, 70 Years of Human Rights in Global Health: Drawing on a Contentious Past to Secure a Hopeful Future, LANCET (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights for Health across the United Nations, 21 HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 199-204 (2019).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Margherita Marianna Cinà & Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights in Global Health Governance, Health & Human Rights Journal, January 12, 2020.
Dainius Pūras, Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Luisa Cabal, Allan Maleche & Benjamin Mason Meier, The Right to Health Must Guide Responses to COVID-19, 395 LANCET 1888-1890 (2020).
Judith Bueno de Mesquita & Benjamin Mason Meier, Moving Towards Global Solidarity for Global Health through Multilateral Governance in the Covid-19 Response, COVID-19, LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS: ESSEX DIALOGUES (Carla Ferstman & Andrew Fagan, eds. 2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna E. Huffstetler & Roojin Habibi, Human Rights Must Be Central to the International Health Regulations, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (2020).
Human Right to Health & Collective Rights for Public Health
Benjamin Mason Meier & Larisa M. Mori, The Highest Attainable Standard: Advancing a Collective Human Right to Public Health, 37 COLUMBIA HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 101-147 (2005).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Employing Health Rights for Global Justice: The Promise of Public Health in Response to the Insalubrious Ramifications of Globalization, 39 CORNELL INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 711-778 (2006).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Advancing Health Rights in a Globalized World: Responding to Globalization Through a Collective Human Right to Public Health, 35 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 545-555 (2007).
Benjamin Mason Meier, The Political Evolution of Health as a Human Right: Conceptualizing Public Health under International Law, 1940s-1990s, in ASSEMBLING HEALTH RIGHTS IN GLOBAL CONTEXT: CONTEMPORARY AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES 73-93 (Alex Mold & David Reubi, eds., Routledge: London, 2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Averi Chakrabarti, The Paradox of Happiness: Health and Human Rights in the Kingdom of Bhutan, 18 HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 193-207 (2016).
Ana S. Ayala & Benjamin Mason Meier, A Human Rights Approach to the Health Implications of Food and Nutrition Insecurity, 38 PUBLIC HEALTH REVIEWS 10 (2017).
Lawrence O Gostin, Benjamin M Meier, Rebekah Thomas, Veronica Magar & Tedros A Ghebreyesus, 70 Years of Human Rights in Global Health: Drawing on a Contentious Past to Secure a Hopeful Future, LANCET (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lance Gable, Advancing the Human Right to Health: Eleanor Kinney’s Seminal Contributions to the Development and Implementation of Human Rights for Public Health, 17 INDIANA HEALTH LAW REVIEW 21-32 (2020).
Dainius Pūras, Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Luisa Cabal, Allan Maleche & Benjamin Mason Meier, The Right to Health Must Guide Responses to COVID-19, LANCET (2020).
Normative Policy Analysis
Benjamin Mason Meier, Global Health Takes a Normative Turn: The Expanding Purview of International Health Law and Global Health Policy to Meet the Public Health Challenges of the 21st Century, THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY: YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE 69-108 (2011).
Lance Gable & Benjamin Mason Meier, Global Health Rights: Employing Human Rights to Develop and Implement the Framework Convention on Global Health, 15 HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 17-31 (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier, An Agenda for Normative Policy Analysis in the Study of Global Health Governance, in LAW AND GLOBAL HEALTH: CURRENT LEGAL ISSUES, VOLUME 16, 593-608 (Michael Freeman, ed., Oxford University Press: London, 2014).
Lance Gable, Ames Dhai, Robert Marten, Benjamin Mason Meier & Jennifer Prah Ruger, The Framework Convention on Global Health (Editorial), 9 GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE 3-6 (2015).
Lawrence O. Gostin & Benjamin Mason Meier, Introducing Global Health Law, 47 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 788-793 (2019).
Human Right to Development
Benjamin Mason Meier & Ashley M. Fox, Development as Health: Employing the Collective Right to Development to Achieve the Goals of the Individual Right to Health, 30 HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY 259-355 (2008).
Ashley M. Fox & Benjamin Mason Meier, Health as Freedom: Addressing Social Determinants of Global Health Inequities through the Human Right to Development, 23 BIOETHICS 112-122 (2009).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Ashley M. Fox, International Obligations through Collective Rights: Moving from Foreign Health Assistance to Global Health Governance, 12 HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS 61-72 (2010).
Roojin Habibi et al., Do Not Violate the International Health Regulations during the COVID-19 Outbreak, THE LANCET, February 13, 2020.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Dabney P. Evans & Alexandra Phelan, Rights-Based Approaches to Preventing, Detecting, and Responding to Infectious Disease Outbreaks, in INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CHALLENGES 217-253 (Mark Eccleston-Turner & Iain Brassington, eds. 2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Roojin Habibi & Y. Tony Yang, Travel Restrictions Violate International Law, SCIENCE, March 27, 2020.
Has WHO Risen to Meet the COVID-19 Challenge?: Revisiting the International Health Regulations, Keynote Address, American Mock World Health Organization Virtual Summit, April 18, 2020.
How Is Coronavirus Being Managed Globally?, Isolated by the Law, Wake Forest School of Law, April 22, 2020.
Gillings School of Global Public Health, Human Rights Play a Critical Role in the Development of COVID-19 Health Policies, April 29, 2020.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, During a Pandemic, Strong Public Policy Can Save Lives, May 5, 2020.
Benjamin Mason Meier & Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Realizing the Right to Health Must be the Foundation of the COVID-19 Response, Universal Rights Group, May 6, 2020.
Dainius Pūras, Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Luisa Cabal, Allan Maleche & Benjamin Mason Meier, The Right to Health Must Guide Responses to COVID-19, 395 LANCET 1888-1890 (2020).
Allyn Taylor et al., Solidarity in the wake of COVID-19: reimagining the International Health Regulations, LANCET (2020).
Judith Bueno de Mesquita & Benjamin Mason Meier, Moving Towards Global Solidarity for Global Health through Multilateral Governance in the Covid-19 Response, COVID-19, LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS: ESSEX DIALOGUES (Carla Ferstman & Andrew Fagan, eds. 2020).
Lawrence O. Gostin, Roojin Habibi & Benjamin Mason Meier, Has Global Health Law Risen to Meet the COVID-19 Challenge? Revisiting the International Health Regulations to Prepare for Future Threats, 48 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 376-381 (2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights Must Be the Foundation of any COVID-19 Response, OUPblog, August 17, 2020.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna E. Huffstetler & Roojin Habibi, Human Rights Must Be Central to the International Health Regulations, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier, International Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Experimentation: Protecting the Right of Informed Consent, 20 BERKELEY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 514-554 (2002).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Alicia Ely Yamin, Right to Health Litigation and HIV/AIDS Policy, 39 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 81-84 (2011).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Kristen Brugh & Yasmin Halima, Conceptualizing a Human Right to Prevention in Global HIV/AIDS Policy, 5 PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS 263-282 (2012).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Adriane Gelpi, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Lisa Forman & Joseph J. Amon, Employing Human Rights Frameworks to Realize Access to an HIV Cure, 18 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY 1-7 (2015).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Rebekah Thomas & Kent Buse, Advancing the Right to Health in the AIDS Response: An Evolving Movement and an Uncertain Future, Health & Human Rights, November 30, 2017.
Joseph D. Tucker, Benjamin M. Meier, Cecilia Devoto, Eva Szunyogova & Stefan Baral, Sexual Health and Human Rights: Protecting Rights to Promote Health, 19 BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES (2019).
Tobacco Control & Environmental Health
Benjamin Mason Meier, Breathing Life into the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Smoking Cessation and the Right to Health, 5 YALE JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY, LAW & ETHICS 137-192 (2005).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Donna Shelley, The Fourth Pillar of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Harm Reduction and the International Human Right to Health, 121 PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS 494-500 (2006).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Ipsita Das & Pamela Jagger, A ‘Burning Opportunity’ for Human Rights: Using Human Rights as a Catalyst for Policies to Mitigate the Health Risk of Household Air Pollution, 9 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT 89-106 (2018).
Women’s & Children’s Health
Reilly Anne Dempsey & Benjamin Mason Meier, Going Negative: How Reproductive Rights Discourse Has Been Altered from a Positive to a Negative Rights Framework in Support of ‘Women’s Rights’, in WOMEN’S GLOBAL HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 83-96 (Padmini Murthy & Clyde Lanford Smith eds., Jones & Bartlett: Sudbury, 2009).
Annalijn Conklin & Benjamin Mason Meier, A ‘Vector of Rights’ Approach to Public Health: Towards an Intersectional Human Rights Framework for Considering the Prevention and Treatment of Harms to Girl Child Soldiers, 13 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS 65-98 (2008).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Miriam Labbok, From the Bottle to the Grave: Realizing a Human Right to Breastfeeding through Global Health Policy, 60 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 1073-1142 (2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Perspective, The Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health: Establishing International Processes for State Reporting to an Independent Monitoring Body, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (2011).
Jennifer Rasanathan, Benjamin Mason Meier & Kumanan Rasanathan, Opportunities for Realizing the Child’s Right to Health Under the SDGs, Health & Human Rights, September 22, 2015.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Mitra Motlagh & Kumanan Rasanathan, The United Nations Children’s Fund: Implementing Human Rights for Child Health, in HUMAN RIGHTS IN GLOBAL HEALTH: RIGHTS-BASED GOVERNANCE FOR A GLOBALIZING WORLD (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018).
Women in Global Health, Engaging Men in the Gender Equality discussion: a conversation with Dr. Benjamin Mason Meier, July 11, 2018.
Joseph D. Tucker, Benjamin M. Meier, Cecilia Devoto, Eva Szunyogova & Stefan Baral, Sexual Health and Human Rights: Protecting Rights to Promote Health, 19 BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES (2019).
Caitlin R. Williams & Benjamin Mason Meier, Ending the Abuse: The Human Rights Implications of Obstetric Violence and the Promise of Rights-Based Policy to Realize Respectful Maternity Care, 27 SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MATTERS (2019).
Water & Sanitation
Benjamin Mason Meier, Georgia Lyn Kayser, Urooj Quezon Amjad & Jamie Bartram, Implementing an Evolving Human Right Through Water and Sanitation Policy, 15 WATER POLICY 116-133 (2013).
Urooj Amjad, Georgia Kayser & Benjamin Meier, Rights-Based Indicators Regarding Non-Discrimination and Equity in Access to Water and Sanitation, 4 JOURNAL OF WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE FOR DEVELOPMENT 182-187 (2013).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Georgia Lyn Kayser, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Urooj Quezon Amjad, Fernanda Dalcanale & Jamie Bartram, Translating the Human Right to Water and Sanitation into Public Policy Reform, 20 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS 833-848 (2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Georgia Kayser, Urooj Amjad & Jamie Bartram, Examining the Practice of Developing Human Rights Indicators to Facilitate Accountability for the Human Right to Water and Sanitation, 6 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICE 159-181 (2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Yuna Kim, Human Rights Accountability through Treaty Bodies: Examining Human Rights Treaty Monitoring for Water and Sanitation, 26 DUKE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 141-230 (2015).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Ryan Cronk, Jeanne Luh, Catarina de Albuquerque & Jamie Bartram, Monitoring the Progressive Realization of Human Rights to Water and Sanitation: Frontier Analysis as a Basis for Human Rights Accountability, in OXFORD HANDBOOK OF WATER POLITICS AND POLICY (Ken Conca & Erika Weinthal, eds, Oxford University Press: New York, 2017).
U.S. Health Policy
Anja Rudiger & Benjamin Mason Meier, A Rights-Based Approach to Health Care Reform, in RIGHTS BASED APPROACHES TO PUBLIC HEALTH 69-86 (Elvira Beracochea et al. eds., Springer: New York, 2010).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharya, Health Care as a Human Right, in DEBATES ON U.S. HEALTH CARE 32-48 (Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld, Wendy E. Parmet & Mark A. Zezza, eds., Sage Publications: New York, 2012).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lance Gable, US Efforts to Realise the Right to Health through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 13 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 167-190 (2013).
Kristine Husøy Onarheim, Andrea Melberg, Benjamin Mason Meier & Ingrid Miljeteig, Towards Universal Health Coverage: Including Undocumented Migrants, BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Dabney P. Evans, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Jessica M. Keralis & Gabriel Armas-Cardona, Human Rights in Public Health: Deepening Engagement at a Critical Time, 20 HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 85-91 (2018).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Lance Gable, Advancing the Human Right to Health: Eleanor Kinney’s Seminal Contributions to the Development and Implementation of Human Rights for Public Health, 17 INDIANA HEALTH LAW REVIEW 21-32 (2020).
Human Rights Litigation
Benjamin Mason Meier & Alicia Ely Yamin, Right to Health Litigation and HIV/AIDS Policy, 39 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 81-84 (2011).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Oscar A. Cabrera, Ana Ayala & Lawrence O. Gostin, Bridging International Law and Rights-Based Litigation: Mapping Health-Related Rights Through the Development of the Global Health and Human Rights Law Database, 14 HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 20-35 (2012).
Jocelyn E. Getgen & Benjamin Mason Meier, Correspondence, Ratification of Human Rights Treaties: The Beginning, Not the End, 374 LANCET 447 (2009).
Human Rights Treaty Bodies
Benjamin Mason Meier, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Georgia Kayser, Urooj Amjad & Jamie Bartram, Examining the Practice of Developing Human Rights Indicators to Facilitate Accountability for the Human Right to Water and Sanitation, 6 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICE 159-181 (2014).
Benjamin Mason Meier & Yuna Kim, Human Rights Accountability through Treaty Bodies: Examining Human Rights Treaty Monitoring for Water and Sanitation, 26 DUKE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 141-230 (2015).
Neha Acharya & Benjamin Mason Meier, Facilitating Accountability for the Right to Health: Mainstreaming WHO Participation in Human Rights Monitoring, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS, April 28, 2016.
Benjamin Mason Meier, Marlous De Milliano, Averi Chakrabarti & Yuna Kim, Accountability for the Human Right to Health through Treaty Monitoring: Human Rights Treaty Bodies & the Influence of Concluding Observations, 13 GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH 1558-1576 (2018).
Global Health Security
Y. Tony Yang, Julia E. Painter & Benjamin Mason Meier, Coordinated Regulatory Efforts Needed to Strengthen Travel Related Immunization Requirements Against Importation of Infectious Diseases, 34 VACCINE 3921-3922 (2016).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Kara Tureski, Emily Bockh, Derek Carr, Ana Ayala, Anna Roberts, Lindsay Cloud, Nicolas Wilhelm & Scott Burris, Examining National Public Health Law to Realize the Global Health Security Agenda, 25 MEDICAL LAW REVIEW 240-269 (2017).
Olivia J. Killeen, Alissa Davis, Joseph D. Tucker & Benjamin Mason Meier, Chinese Global Health Diplomacy in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges, 12 GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE 4-28 (2018).
Tsion Ghedamu & Benjamin Mason Meier, Assessing National Public Health Law to Prevent Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Immunization Law as a Basis for Global Health Security, 47 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 412-426 (2019).
Lawrence O. Gostin & Benjamin Mason Meier, Introducing Global Health Law, 47 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 788-793 (2019).
Roojin Habibi et al., Do Not Violate the International Health Regulations during the COVID-19 Outbreak, LANCET, February 13, 2020.
Lawrence O. Gostin, Roojin Habibi & Benjamin Mason Meier, Has Global Health Law Risen to Meet the COVID-19 Challenge? Revisiting the International Health Regulations to Prepare for Future Threats, JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS (forthcoming 2020).
Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna E. Huffstetler & Roojin Habibi, Human Rights Must Be Central to the International Health Regulations, HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL (2020).